Avila Medicare Solutions

Date of publication:

Today we will talk about the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period.

This is a period that all people who have a business plan should be aware of. Medicare Advantage or a Prescription Drug Plan The time of year is the time of year when people with these plans can take another look, compare their current plans and make sure they have the ideal plan for the next year or if it is in their best interest to make a change.

This period is carried out every year of october 15 to december 7. So, put it on your calendar, please.

If you have an advantage plan or a prescription drug plan, keep in mind that you need to know your plan, especially those who have a Medicare Advantage plan, because these plans are helping you with certain costs and giving you benefits. It is important that you know with confidence and certainty the plan you currently have, because that is the only way you can participate in this review.

If you don't know your plan, when you enrolled you received a package, which is the initial package, and there is a summary of benefits for that plan. That summary of benefits is where all the costs and benefits are explained and you can see if it is really convenient or not.

Many times people wonder if an annual review is recommended and although it is not always necessary, it is recommended because there may be new plans with new benefits, new savings or better options than your current plan. This is even more recommended if your health has changed or if the medications you take have changed. Therefore, it is extremely important that you know the costs you have with your current plan.

You should also keep a list of all the medications you are taking on hand, because each plan has what is called a "formulary. form and they have these drugs in a tiered format. As well as all the doctors and specialists you visit frequently to make sure they accept certain plans.

Remember, not all doctors accept all plans and not all plans cover all medications, so it is important to have these two pieces of information available: the list of your doctors and the list of your medications.

People with a prescription drug plan also need to take this opportunity to review the cost of medications for next year or see if you can save money for next year.

When you make a change to your plans during this period, your new plan will become effective on January 1st of next year. So, please look through your documents for the summary of benefits and with a pen or a highlighter underline or circle the important things about your plan like how much is the dental benefit, how much is the vision benefit and the benefits that are important to you; and also the costs: how much you pay if you go to a specialist, what the hospitalization co-pay is, what the plan's out-of-pocket maximum is, these are things that you should be prepared with so that you are part of this review because, unfortunately, there are some people who may call you and offer you a plan that doesn't really offer you any more than your current plan or just doesn't suit you because of the savings or benefits.

So, contact your independent agent and schedule your appointment for early October so we can help you with these reviews. If you don't have an agent in your area who can help you, call us at Avila Medicare Solutions.

Our local number is 512-520-5957 or you can call us on our toll free number which is 855-GO-AVILA. We are here to serve you.

Do you have any doubts? Call us now.
