Some people, especially those who are just getting into Medicare, are a little confused about this. Medicare Part B is one of the parts of Original Medicare (Part A and Part B).
Part A covers hospital services and Part B covers medical services. Note that since Part B covers your medical services, it will cover most medical services if you are an inpatient in the hospital; outpatient in the hospital; home care, in case you need medical care at home; and durable medical equipment, if you need a wheelchair, scooter or any other medical equipment that will improve your quality of life. Part B also covers you for many preventive services such as checkups, immunizations and annual wellness visits at the hospital.
Remember, this part has a cost of $170.10, but it will also depend on the person's income. If the person has a higher income than stipulated, he/she will have to pay more for this part.
It is very important to enroll in Part B when you are first eligible, because if you delay Part B enrollment when you are first eligible, you will later be subject to a penalty for each 12-month period that you were not enrolled in Part B. The only valid reason you can delay Part B without being subject to a penalty is if you have health coverage with your employer and your employer has more than 20 employees. The only valid reason you can delay Part B without being subject to a penalty is if you have health coverage with your employer and your employer has more than 20 employees.
Enrollment in Medicare Part A and Part B, or Part A only, can be done by calling the Social Security office at 1-800-772-1213as you can also do it online at the Social Security.
You can also contact us at our office and we can assist you with this enrollment and educate you about your plan options, especially in reviewing Advantage plans in your area or supplemental plans.
Remember that we are a certified agency and represent most insurance companies. We can help you review the different plans and companies available in your area and recommend the ideal plan to fit your needs and preferences.
Our local number is 512-520-5957 or you can call us on our toll free number which is 855-GO-AVILA.