Avila Medicare Solutions

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What is the Medicare Annual Election Period?

Medicare has specific times during the year to make certain enrollments and changes. One of these periods is the so-called Annual Election Period (AEP) which runs from October 15 to December 7. This is the ideal time to make changes to your health care coverage and prescription drug plan for the following year that accommodate your specific needs and maximize your coverage and benefits.

Each year, insurance companies make changes to their health and prescription drug plans regarding costs, coverage, benefits, and the network of providers and pharmacies. In early September, watch out for the letters your insurance company mails you about your plan, “Evidence of Coverage” and “Annual Notice of Changes” that should be reviewed to find out if there are changes to your plan. your plan will still meet your health needs for next year. Remember, this time frame is the ideal time to take action when it comes to reviewing, comparing, and changing your Medicare Advantage or prescription drug coverage for the following year as of effective January 1st.

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