What is Medicare Part A?

Medicare Part A: Qualifications, Coverage and Costs Medicare Part A is your hospital coverage, and together with Part B (medical coverage) they make up Original Medicare. Understanding each part in its entirety can become overwhelming, but this article will soak you in, in an easy-to-understand way, about what Medicare Part A is [...]
Should I delay Medicare Part B?

Delayed Enrollment in Part B and Penalty for Late Enrollment If you've read our previous article on how to enroll in Medicare, you may remember that most people qualify for Part A hospital coverage for free and therefore enroll immediately; some people choose to delay enrollment in Medicare Part B. Medicare Part B takes care of [...]
Should I delay Medicare Part B?

Part B Delayed Enrollment and Late Enrollment Penalty If you read our previous article on how to enroll in Medicare, you may recall that most people qualify for Part A hospital coverage for free and, therefore, enroll right away; some people choose to delay enrollment by [...]