Did you receive your Medicare card and now you don't know what to do?

If you received your Medicare card and don't know what to do, keep in mind the following: when you receive your Medicare card and you have Parts A and B, you qualify for one of the Medicare Supplement plans, which will actually help you with the 20% cost control that you [...]
New Special Enrollment Period!

For all those people who have a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan and missed the opportunity to make a plan review or change, if necessary, during the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid has created the new Special Period, to give people the opportunity to make a plan review or change, if necessary, during the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period.
How do I get Medicare Part C?

Medicare Advantage Medicare Part C is what is known as "Medicare Advantage" and is one of the savings plan options offered by Medicare when you have already enrolled in Original Medicare. The enrollment form is different from Original Medicare, as you must already have coverage in Original Medicare.