Annual Enrollment Period

Today we will talk about the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period. This is a period that everyone who has a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan needs to be aware of, as it is the time of the year when people with these plans can do a new review, compare their plan's benefits, and compare their costs.
Cancer policy

Cancer Policies and Medicare Advantage Plans 53% of Medicare beneficiaries who have an Advantage plan are Hispanic, and that is why we want to talk to you about the importance of having a cancer policy with these plans. In the last blog we talked about how to learn about the Medicare Advantage plan with [...]
Learn about Medicare Advantage

Know Your Plan: Medicare Advantage Many people who have one of the Medicare Advantage plans tend to change their Medicare plans, sometimes without even knowing if the change is in their best interest. When someone calls you on the phone and tells you that you qualify for other Medicare Advantage benefits, you need to know [...]